After the success of my previous solar powered pump project to supply water to cattle from a stream, I’ve decided to build another one. This time time it’s for an out farm that only has a well as a source of water. There is no electricity at the farm and until now I’ve been using a petrol generator and 230V pump to supply water. The well is only about 10 foot deep but it is too narrow for a submersible pump, so a surface pump is required.

I started off with a simple frame that had come on a pallet to secure some equipment purchased recently, it made a nice base to build off.

With some more scrap metal that was lying around I built up the frame to hold the solar panel and house the pump, battery and charge controller.

Next I fitted and wired up all of the components. It is important when wiring that the battery is connected to the charge controller before the solar panel or you will damage the controller. When disconnecting the panel should be disconnected first.
The Panel and charge controller I used is an Eco-Worthy 100 W panel and 20 Amp Charge controller.
The Pump I used is a Seaflo 33 series pump with Seaflo Pressure vessel. The pump has a built in pressure switch so can be connected directly to a tap or ball cock to control it. There is however a limit on how much hose can be connected between the pump and tap/ballcock for it to work correctly.
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